St. Elizbeth’s Medical Center Research Day
Oral Presentation of The Impact of Using Pure Hypochlorous Acid for Intracavitary Irrigation and Lavage Robert L. Ball, MD, Juan...
North American Burn Society Annual Meeting
The Impact of Using Pure Hypochlorous Acid for Intracavitary Irrigation and Lavage Juan Sebastian Vazquez, MD, Robert L. Ball, MD, Anna...
American Burn Association held its National Leadership Conference
Members of the MWHC Burn Team including Katie Hollowed, Jeffrey Shupp, Lauren Moffatt, and Jason Woods (as well as other Burn Center...
13th Annual Academic Surgical Congress; Association for Academic Surgery
Oral presentation of Elevated Syndecan-1 Levels in Thermally Injured Patients Associated with Higher TBSA, Robert L. Ball, MD, Maria C....
40th Annual John A. Boswick, MD Burn and Wound Care Symposium
Oral presentation of The Impact of Using Pure Hypochlorous Acid for Intracavitary Irrigation and Lavage, Robert L. Ball, MD, Juan...
Manuscripts and Publications
Disruption of Biofilms and Neutralization of Bacteria Using Hypochlorous Acid Solution: An In Vivo and In Vitro Evaluation. Day A,...
University of Maryland Bioscience Day
Poster Presentation: Assessing Reactive Oxygen Species Presence Using a Porcine Model of Hypertrophic Scars. Smith RD, BS, Carney BC,...
Committee on Trauma, D.C. Chapter Competition
Oral Presentations: 1st Place: Basic Science: Evaluating Endothelial Dysfunction in Thermally Injured Patients with Syndecan-1 as Marker...
Association of Women Surgeons
Oral Presentation: Does admission GCS impact mortality risk following thermal injury? Nosanov LB, McLawhorn MM, Moffatt LT, Shupp JW
Society for the Advancement of Woundcare
Poster Presentation: Reduction of In Vitro Pseudomonal Biofilm Density Using Hypochlorous Acid Day A, Carney BC, Monger KW, Alkhalil A,...