Academic Surgical Congress
Two of our lab’s Research Fellows, Jenna N. Luker, MD and Shawn Tejiram, MD, presented their work at the 2016 Academic Surgical Congress Meeting in Jacksonvile, FL.
Assessing Clot Strength Using Thromboelastography: Are There Coagulopathies After Burn Injury: Jenna N. Luker MD, John D. Karalis MS, Shawn Tejiram MD, Jenny Zhang BS, Kimberly M. Johnson BS, Lauren T. Moffatt PhD, Melissa M. McLawhorn RN BSN, Jeffrey W. Shupp MD
Analysis of the Coagulation System in Burn Patients: Perhaps Not As Simple As INR: Shawn Tejiram, Kathleen E. Brummel-Ziedins, Brittany N. Hamilton, S. Butenas, Jacob Marks, Lauren T. Moffatt, Jeffrey W. Shupp