American Burn Association 50th Annual Meeting
Podium Presentation: Persistent Reactive Oxygen Species Damage Contributes to Hypertrophic Scar Phenotype After Wound Closure; Bonnie C. Carney, BS, Robert D. Smith, JR, Maha Rummani, BS, Jason H. Chen, MD, Abdulnaser Alkhalil, PhD, Lauren T. Moffatt, PhD, Dean S. Rosenthal, PhD, Jeffrey W. Shupp, MD
Podium Presentation: Tight Junctions Exhibit Differential Regulation in Dyspigmented Scar; Abdulnaser. Alkhalil, Bonnie. C. Carney, Taryn. E. Travis, Seid. Muhie, Stacyann. Miller, Rasha. Hammamieh, Marti. Jett, Lauren. T. Moffatt, Jeffrey W. Shupp
Poster: Does admission GCS impact mortality risk following thermal injury?; Lauren Nosanov MD, Melissa McLawhorn RN BSN, Lauren Moffatt PhD, Jeffrey Shupp MD
Poster: Investigation of Thrombin-Antithrombin and Meizothrombin-Antithrombin Complex Levels in Thermally-Injured Patients; Robert L. Ball, MD, Thomas Orfeo, PhD, Maria C. Bravo, PhD, Kathleen E. Brummel-Ziedins, PhD, Lauren T. Moffatt, PhD , Melissa M. McLawhorn, RN, Jeffrey W. Shupp, MD
Poster: Evaluating Syndecan-1 as a Predictive Marker of Sepsis in Thermally-Injured Patients; Shannon Radomski, BS1, Robert L. Ball, MD, Thomas Orfeo, PhD, Maria C. Bravo, PhD, Kathleen E. Brummel-Ziedins, PhD,Lauren T. Moffatt, PhD, Melissa M. McLawhorn, RN, Jeffrey W. Shupp, MD